Douglas Weekly – October 23rd

Douglas weekly - October 23 2023


Vital Signs Survey Finds Victorians Rate Quality of Life Highly, Despite Concerns.

The Victoria Foundation, a non-profit that manages and distributes financial donations to charities across Canada, recently released their 2023 “Vital Signs” report, an annual study that measures both the vitality of and the issues facing Greater Victoria. 

Part of the report outlines the results of a survey that asked residents what they thought were the best things about Greater Victoria. The top five responses were: the environment (67 per cent), climate (52 per cent), air quality (51 per cent), parks (45 per cent) and walkability (45 per cent).

The survey also asked about the most important issues facing Greater Victoria. The results: cost of living (68 per cent), housing (62 per cent), homelessness (53 per cent), healthcare (52 per cent) and addictions (46 per cent). 

The report highlights a few of the reasons housing and the cost of living ranked highest: vacancy rates are low, though up by 0.5 per cent from last year, and two full-time minimum wage earners need to spend over 30% of their combined income to afford a two-bedroom apartment.

Despite such concerns, respondents gave their quality of life a “B” rating. 

Read the Vital Signs report here for more on Greater Victoria, including environmental sustainability, transportation, and arts and culture.


Talk Like Ted
Whether in the boardroom or at a conference podium, being a strong speaker is a powerful business tool.

The hugely popular TEDx series provides inspiring examples of public speaking on topics as diverse as artificial intelligence and Buddhism. Effective speaking can captivate an audience with new ideas, inspire them and even influence their opinions. According to author and communications coach Carmine Gallo, the key to becoming a good public speaker means speaking with passion, incorporating a memorable moment and presenting something new to your audience. Harking back to Aristotle, Gallo says the perfect talk consists of 65 per cent pathos (an emotional connection with the audience), 25 per cent logos (data and facts) and 10 per cent ethos (your credibility as an expert on the topic). 

If you’ve ever watched a single TED Talk you probably know how addictive they are. Here is some practical advice based on the more than 3,000 events they host each year.

Read the full article in the latest issue of Douglas.


October 23: Business Transformation Roadshow
October 24-26: Canada West Health Leaders Conference
October 25: WorkBC Victoria Small Business Hiring Fair
October 25: Small Business Month Networking Breakfast
October 25-26: Nanaimo VIEA State of the Island Summit
October 27-18: Thriving Nations Conference
October 31: Navigating Volatility

November 1-2: Zero Waste Conference
November 1-4: International Garden Tourism Conference
November 4: Colourful Business
November 7-10: Canadian Association of Graduate Studies Conference
November 9-10:  BCalm Mindfulness Conference
November 14-15: UPLIFT Women’s Business Summit
November 16: Navigating Business Volatility Roundtable Discussion
November 28: Hope in the City Luncheon
November 30: VIATEC Community Awards
November 30: Greater Victoria Business Banquet

January 21-24: Impact Sustainability Travel and Tourism Summit 

March 6-8: South Island Prosperity Partnership Rising Economy Conference