Douglas Weekly – March 4

Douglas Weekly - March 4


Provincial Government Releases 2024 Budget

The provincial government’s new budget, which it released late last month, is designed to help British Columbians with everyday costs, improve housing availability and affordability, strengthen healthcare and build a stronger, greener economy. 

“We all want a decent, affordable home, quality health care, help when we need it and a strong future full of opportunity for everyone,” said minister of finance Katrine Conroy. “We will continue to prioritize affordability for people and families, and the services we all rely on, during this period of slow global economic growth.”

The budget includes $198 million to build housing for middle-income individuals, $2 billion to support access to health services and $228 million to sustain the Future Ready Action Plan, which helps British Columbians develop skills needed to succeed in a changing economy.

Learn more about the budget here.


How to Recession-Proof Your Business

A recession is defined as two consecutive quarters where gross domestic product is lower than the previous quarter. The problem is, you can be in a recession and not know it.

Nearly all of the jobs lost during the pandemic have been recovered, and B.C.’s unemployment rate remains at a low 5.2 per cent. But despite the buoyant labour market, the overall economic mood feels pessimistic. No business wants to hear the “R” word. But inflation remains stubborn, consumer confidence is low and, depending on whom you ask, the country could be talking itself into a recession.

Read the full story in the latest issue of Douglas.


Coming up:  


March 14: Victoria Chamber Emerge Connector

March 19-22: Indigenous Youth Leadership Training Event

March 21: Saanich Peninsula Chamber March Mixer

March 22: Victoria F*ckup Nights 


April 18: Saanich Peninsula Chamber April Mixer

April 23: Advanced AI: Friend of Foe — UVic Lecture


June 11-13: Local Government Management Association Conference