Mindfulness Seminar Helps Boost Performance and Creativity

Pretio Interactive, MindWell Canada and Power to Be are proud to present the Mindfulness Victoria Seminar, taking place on Thursday, October 1. This special one-day event will be hosted at Fort Tectoria in downtown Victoria.
The Mindfulness Seminar is a customized workshop that teaches individuals how to live a less stressful, more joyful and connected life. Studies have shown that through this training people have reported a significant effect on work performance, creativity and conflict management.
Local technology company, Pretio Interactive, decided to help organize the event after CEO Jim Hayhurst heard about the benefits of mindfulness for companies, especially in the tech sector.
“Our employees live in a fast-paced, multi-screen environment. Knowing that the world’s most successful companies like Apple and LinkedIn use mindfulness made it an easy decision to see how we might utilize it at Pretio.”
The exclusive Mindfulness Victoria event is already sold out, but a lucky community member has the opportunity to win two free tickets to the seminar plus lunch in downtown Victoria. To enter, visit www.mindfulnessvictoria.com. The winner will be notified by Monday, September 28.
About Pretio: Based in Victoria, BC, Pretio Interactive is a mobile advertising company that connects brands to consumers through rewards in games and apps. The company is backed by Canadian technology investors Wesley Clover International and Yaletown Venture Partners.
About MindWell Canada: MindWell Canada has taught thousands of executives teachers and students- helping them live less stressful, more joyful and connected lives. This is done through customized programs, workshops and trainings that use evidence-based principles of mindfulness. Mindfulness is taught at leading global organizations such as Google, Target, Goldman Sachs and the US Marine Corps.
About Power to Be: Power to Be is a non-profit organization that provides collaborative, life-affirming curriculum that helps to fill the gaps in the health and education services from constrained family and government resources. Through nature based programs, they are dedicated to helping youth and families in need to realize their limitless abilities.