Island Coastal Economic Trust reports $13 million in investments
ICET has released its 2023/24 impact report, which highlights partnerships being leveraged for economic growth. Those partnerships, with First Nations, local governments, community organizations, industry associations, and regional economic organizations invested $3,469,835 in new sustainable development initiatives, unlocking a total new investment of $12,589,796 into the region.
“The past year was one of moving forward in a great way with strategic priorities, including through our valued relationship with First Nations, local governments, industry, and the Province of British Columbia,” said Aaron Stone, Chair, Island Coastal Economic Trust, “In March, we welcomed new investment that is empowering us to move forward with island and coastal communities’ vision to transform the Trust into the first co-governed regional development organization in Canada.”
New partnerships with the Ministry of Jobs, Economic Development, and Innovation; Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; and a continued partnership with 4VI also furthered the Trust’s impact this past year.
Victoria Native Friendship Centre opens Small Business Pledge
Businesses looking to contribute to truth and reconciliation are invited to take the Small Business Pledge, a project initiated and run by the Victoria Native Friendship Centre. All donations go directly to VNFC programs supporting the urban Indigenous community.
B.C. communities adopt small-scale multi-unit housing legislation
The province says legislation to fix outdated zoning rules and create more small-scale multi-unit homes (row homes, triplexes and townhouses) has now been adopted into local bylaws, or will soon be adopted, by almost 90% of communities throughout B.C., paving the way for more housing options for people with middle incomes.
Out of 188 local governments in B.C., 162 have adopted the small-scale multi-unit legislation by passing local bylaws, with another nine communities actively working to adopt the legislation.
VRBA announces CARE Award finalists
The Victoria Residential Builders Association (VRBA) has released the list of finalists for its 2024 Construction Achievements and Renovations of Excellence (CARE) Awards. Gold winners will be announced Friday, September 27th.
The public can vote online for the winner of the annual People’s Choice Award at careawards.ca. The finalists’ projects will also be on display at Hillside Centre from September 2 – 15. Voters are entered to win a stay at Long Beach Lodge Resort.
Colwood Crawl no more?
The federal government has announced a $95 million funding partnership between it and the province to widen 3.8 kilometres of highway between the McKenzie and Colwood interchanges. The project is expected to create a continuous route for BC Transit’s RapidBus service, encouraging more commuters to leave their cars at home.
Life on an Island puts transportation at the top of our list of vulnerabilities. In a crisis, and even in regular life, how can we overcome challenges to moving people and goods quickly and efficiently? Andrew Findlay explores the conundrum.
August 10: The Five Chamber Business Mixer en Blanc
August 23: The VIATEC Summer Tech Get Together
September 5: Westshore Chamber of Commerce Mixer
September 17: Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce Mixer
September 19: Saanich Peninsula Chamber of Commerce Mixer
September 21: Hungry Hearts Gala
September 30: South Island Powwow
October 23 – 24: VIEA Economic Summit
November 14: Ecostar Awards