Business and city updates we think you should know about for Thursday, October 26, 2017.
Below-market housing at Dockside Green is complete
Construction on Madrona, the affordable rental housing project at Dockside Green in Vic West, has officially wrapped up and families are expected to begin moving in this November. Mayor Lisa Helps has been quoted as saying that this kind of housing is desperately needed in the area.
If you’re into horror and virtual reality, there’s a Halloween event for you
Infusion Edutainment has been hosting a free, Halloween-themed virtual reality experience at its VR Lounge on Fort Street since Monday — and you can still try it out today and tomorrow. Represent your company in the virtual reality horror experience and compete against other local companies to try and get the highest score. The goal of this free event is to help local businesses connect with each other and promote each other on social media.
Register now for the Business Leaders Luncheon
Hear from B.C.’s new Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Lisa Beare, at the Business Leaders Luncheon on Tuesday, November 21. Minister Beare will highlight the provincial government’s plans to increase tourism and propel forward both arts and culture here in B.C. Registration for this event is now open.