VI Film Commission Announces 2016 Board of Directors

January 26, 2016 — Following an exciting and productive year in 2015, the Film Commission would like to introduce its Board of Directors for 2016:

Annie Wong-Harrison, owner of National Car & Truck Rental and the Arbutus Inn, is pleased to continue to serve as President. Continuing in the role of Vice President is Paul Rayman, owner/operator of The Pedaler. Continuing as Secretary is Cathy Scott. Cathy is CEO (Chief Exploration Officer) of Niche Travel, a Boutique tour company and Departures Travel, Victoria’s oldest travel agency. The role of Treasurer will once again be filled with the expertise of Albert Zalazar of Grant Thornton.

Continuing on as Directors at Large are:

Chair of Governance Edison Kahakauwila, owner of L.A. Limousines & Transportation services; Barbara Coultish owner of Coultish Management; Beverly Booth, owner of Resort Marketing, Chair of Sponsorships; Melinda Harris owner of Go West Group and Miranda Ji with Tourism Victoria.

“I am so excited to be working with such a diverse and talented group of local professionals. I look forward to an amazing and very productive year.”

  • Kathleen Gilbert, Film Commissioner

New Board members include:

Don Enright is an Emmy Award-winning film and television producer who, after too long in Los Angeles, moved to the Island, became a Canadian and shot half-a-dozen movies in Victoria.

After working many years in the local hospitality industry, Donna Petrie is now the Executive Director for the Sidney Business Improvement Area Society and Sidney Event Liaison, a collaborative effort of the SBIA and the Town of Sidney. In addition to her job, Donna is a part time location scout and is also completing a Diploma in Public Relations at UVIC.

Karen Elgersma is an award-winning television reporter, producer and former host of Shaw TV’s Go! Island. Karen is currently working on a documentary on the power of local storytelling as she completes her Masters Degree in Professional Communications at Royal Roads University.