Town of Sidney Awarded UBCM Open for Business Award

Sidney is one of five communities presented with Open for Business Awards for their innovative programs and projects that support local businesses at the 2015 annual Union of British Columbia Municipalities Convention.
The awards, issued by the Small Business Roundtable, honour municipalities and First Nations who follow the spirit of the B.C. Small Business Accord. This year the winners are: Abbotsford, the City of Langley, Sidney, Surrey, and the Tsawwassen First Nation.
They will each receive $10,000 to fund a local, small business-friendly project in their community. The roundtable also recognized Mayor Stewart Young of Langford, who received an honourable mention for his leadership in red tape reduction.
The Small Business Roundtable was established in 2005 to be the voice of small business to government. Through its diverse sector membership of small-business owners and association leaders, the roundtable helps government develop strategies to support the growth and success of small business throughout the province.
In 2015, the Open for Business Awards Best Practices Guide was released. The guide highlights best practices identified by the roundtable through the evaluation of past award submissions to show future applicants winning examples of projects that reduce regulatory overlap or create strong partnerships to improve government interactions with small businesses, and generate local economic development for the small-business community.
Learn More:
BC Small Business Accord, visit:
Best practices for applicants to the Open for Business Awards, visit:
Starting and growing a business in B.C., visit:
BC Small Business Roundtable, visit:
Regulatory reform, visit: