The Strategy of Sales – Victoria Business Event Promotes Tools for Revenue Growth

If revenue growth is every business’s mandate, plotting effective sales strategies and finding and supporting a motivated, engaged, productive sales team is their both their number one goal and their biggest challenge.

If revenue growth is every business’s mandate, plotting effective sales strategies and finding and supporting a motivated, engaged, productive sales team is their both their number one goal and their biggest challenge.

Entrepreneurs’ Organization Vancouver Island wants to help business owners and managers reach that goal and solve that challenge. They’re bringing sales guru Jack Daly to Victoria March 3rd for a half day workshop that will help its participants find and hone an effective sales system that takes them away from micro-management and into a place of trust and growth.

Daly is a leading speaker and trainer with over 30 years of sales and executive experience who started his career at CPA firm Arthur Andersen and became CEO of several corporations, building six companies into national firms along the way, two of which he subsequently sold to the Wall Street firms of Solomon Brothers and First Boston.

In addition to his comprehensive professional background, Jack holds a BS in Accounting, as well as an MBA, and was a Captain in the U.S. Army. He is best known for his books Hyper Sales Growth and The Sales Playbook for Hyper Sales Growth.

Daly says he created his workshops to break the bad habits that keep businesses on a low growth plateau. He believes success can be designed by following practices that build a reliable sales machine that relies on a playbook instead of individual star salespeople.

Entrepreneurs’ Organization is a global community of peer to peer business owners who support each other in their entrepreneurial lives. Its Vancouver Island Chapter President Tom Benson is also the Chief Experience Officer at Wildplay, and knows how tough it can be to plot, manage and grow your revenue without focused strategy and empowered teams. “My business has many moving parts and sales is one of the most critical ones. Everyone at WildPlay is involved in sales in some way. It’s vital they understand how our value proposition affects our guest interaction, and what tools to use to engage our guest in positive experiences. I’m excited to see EO bring Jack Daly to Victoria. His workshop will be very effective in helping find that focus for owners, managers and their teams.”

The Hyper Sales Growth Workshop with Jack Daly takes place from 1 – 5:30 pm on Tuesday, March 3 at the Union Club in downtown Victoria. Tickets are available via Eventbrite at

This sponsored content is from February 12, 2020.