Leadership Victoria: Tips to Make The World a Better Place

How can entrepreneurs make the world a better place? Mark Crocker of Leadership Victoria shares his advice.

Mark Crocker

Mark Crocker is the Executive Director at Leadership Victoria, a local organization dedicated to creating and gathering the next generation of community leaders. Douglas asked Crocker how entrepreneurs can help change the world in terms of leadership.

Look to Your Community

Every single day we (Leadership Victoria) walk past problems and see difficulties and complex issues in our society, and we say, “Someone should do something about that.” What leaders and social entrepreneurs say is, “Pick me. I’ll do it.” They choose to take on a responsibility.

Treat Leadership as a Tool

People use the word leadership for a variety of things. The extremes are command and control — like a military approach — on one end, and wide-open collaboration on the other. People tend to think of one as good and one as bad. The reality is they’re both just tools. You need military command during a military-like event.

You need command and control during a global pandemic. If we continue it past a pandemic, that’s not necessarily beneficial. Leadership depends on the circumstances.

Build and Trust Your Team

If we’re talking about a leadership mistake, it’s relying on yourself too much. If we’re talking about the cure, it’s building a team. Finding who should be on your team — at times figuring out who should not be on your team — clarifying your message and being very, very clear on your agenda.

Good Leadership Makes Good Things Happen

You can make anything happen through leadership. It might not be good. Good leadership is saying, “I’m going to collect and direct the resources to make something good happen.” And I think great leadership is doing that and making sure it lasts beyond yourself.

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