2019 marks the third year that the City of Victoria has sponsored the Douglas 10 to Watch awards. Douglas is pleased to have them back again. We talked to Mayor Lisa Helps about the value of the event and even more so, the value of entrepreneurial business in Victoria.
“The Douglas Top 10 Awards recognize the incredible up and coming talent in our vibrant business community. It is a true pleasure to celebrate the success of entrepreneurs and leaders in our community,” says Helps.
The City of Victoria’s City Hall has a variety of programs through the Business Hub that supports up-and-coming Victoria businesses with everything from advise to streamlining any difficult processes.
“City Hall has a vital role to play in creating a community that supports successful business leaders and innovators, and attracting new entrepreneurs and talent to our region. Not only does this create sustainable prosperity, it also stimulates growth in retail, arts, culture and other sectors that contribute to quality of life, well-being and happiness.”
Helps says that the well-being of Victoria citizens is a big issue for Victoria City Hall. “This includes increasing household incomes by making it easier for business to thrive and by supporting entrepreneurs and innovation.”
Douglas would like to thank all of the 2019 sponsors supporting the Douglas 10 To Watch Awards – together we can celebrate the innovative, up-and-coming businesses who are excelling on Vancouver Island.