VICTORIA, BC — Starting October 3, the City of Victoria’s hired contractor, Brunnell Construction Ltd., will “break ground” and commence the City’s first protected bike lanes for installation along Pandora Avenue. When the project is complete, it will include more than a kilometer of two-way, physically protected bike lanes with new traffic signals for bikes on Pandora Avenue.
The protected bike lanes along Pandora Avenue represent the first of five corridors of protected bike lanes, to be installed before the end of 2018. The network of new protected bike lanes will help increase safety for cyclists pedestrians, and other road users and will connect the downtown core to neighbourhoods and regional trails. Once the new Johnson Street Bridge project is completed, the two-way protected bike lane on Pandora Avenue will connect the Galloping Goose Trail to downtown.
These new lanes will also complement the existing painted bike lanes throughout the city. The Pandora Avenue protected bike lane represents a significant improvement from the more traditional, painted bike lanes. Users of the Pandora facility will enjoy a safer cycling experience between parked cars and the sidewalk. The Pandora bike lane will also include raised medians, planters, reconfigured vehicle parking and bollards. This project, and protected bike lanes encourage people of all ages and abilities to cycle in Victoria.
The bike lane construction will start in the 500 block of Pandora near Wharf Street and move east towards City Hall and ultimately end at Cook Street. Noticeable work along Pandora Avenue during the project will include some tree removals and replanting, temporary bus stop relocations and reduced travel lanes along the corridor depending on the work taking place. There will also be significant concrete work including new curbs, sidewalk medians and traffic islands construction. The project is expected to be completed by spring 2017 and there will be no construction taking place on the frontage of any retail businesses during the holiday season.
In conjunction with the bicycle facilities project, the City has identified Pandora Avenue from Government Street to Douglas Street for paving. The objective of the paving project is to improve the road surface condition prior to the new bicycle facilities being implemented. Preparation for paving is scheduled to begin October 11, 2016 with final road paving tentatively scheduled for Sunday October 16, 2016.
The City and contracted crews will strive to minimize any inconveniences during construction and while some parking restrictions may be in effect during construction, local access to homes and businesses will be maintained at all times.
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