Provincial Election Results for Vancouver Island

Premier Christy Clark lead the Liberal party to a fourth straight majority government in last night’s provincial election. Clark did lose her own seat in Vancouver-Point Grey to the NDP’s David Eby.

Here on Vancouver Island, NDP incumbents held 10 of the Island’s 14 ridings, according to preliminary results. A final count will be done on May 27.

The current results are as follows:

North Island — BC NDP Claire Felicity

Comox Valley — BC Liberal Don McRae

Alberni-Pacific Rim  — BC NDP Scott Fraser

Parksville Qualicum — BC Liberal Michelle Stilwell

Nanaimo — BC NDP Leonard Eugene Krog

Nanaimo-North Cowichan — BC NDP Doug Routley

Cowichan Valley — BC NDP Bill Routley

Juan de Fuca — BC NDP John Horgan

Saanich North and the Islands — *Still to close to call

Saanich South — BC NDP Lana Popham

Victoria-Swan Lake — BC NDP Rob Fleming.

Oak Bay-Gordon Head — Oak Bay voters elected the first Green MLA in B.C.’s history with Green Party candidate Andrew Weaver

Esquimalt-Royal Roads — BC NDP Maurine Karagianis.

Victoria Beacon Hill — BC NDP Carole James