Nanaimo-based Tilray continues achieving its goals of global domination, one country at a time. The Ministry of Health and the Medicinal Cannabis Agency of New Zealand has granted the company the first approval under the new Medical Cannabis Scheme to launch medical cannabis products across the country.
Vancouver Islanders know Tilray’s journey from building a 60,000 square-foot research and production facility in Nanaimo in 2014 to its current status as a recognized pioneer in the research, cultivation, production, and distribution of cannabis and cannabinoids, now serving patients and consumers in 17 countries, spanning five continents.
In a media release Brendan Kennedy, Tilray‘s Chief Executive Officer, said, “As medical cannabis regulations continue to progress around the world, we’re incredibly honored to be recognized as a trusted partner in offering the highest-quality medical cannabis products. We are grateful to partner with New Zealand’s Ministry of Health and the Medicinal Cannabis Agency to improve access for patients in need across the country.”
Tilray’s product offering in New Zealand approved under the scheme is centered around its Purified CBD products. Patients looking to use medical cannabis have access to Tilray products by obtaining prescriptions through their General Practitioner or Specialist. Tilray expects to have an expanded range of GMP-certified medical cannabis products, including cannabidiol (CBD)-dominant, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)-dominant and balanced varieties available for patients by the second quarter of 2021.