Local Winery Wins Award of Excellence

NEWS RELEASE – Church and State Wines was presented with The Lieutenant Governor’s Award of Excellence in British Columbia Wines by Lieutenant Governor Steven Point on Monday, July 27th. “We are honoured to accept this esteemed award from Lieutenant Governor Steven Point,” said Kim Pullen, owner of Church and State Wines. “Winning this award is a major achievement in the wine industry and we are very excited to be recognized by it.” This award comes hot on the heels of Church and State’s 2006 Quintessential winning Best Red Wine of the Year.

The award ceremony took place at Church and State Wines in Brentwood Bay, BC, and was attended by The Honourable Steven Point, local government officials and business owners, sommeliers, Bloggers and media representatives. Wine connoisseurs and novices alike were able to enjoy wine from the award-winning winery’s collection while the award presentation took place.
Church and State Wine’s 2006 Syrah was one of the eleven BC wines selected from the 248 entered in this year’s competition. The Lieutenant Governor’s Award of Excellence in British Columbia Wines recognizes excellence in wines produced within the province, using only BC grown grapes; Church and State was the only Vancouver Island winery to win the award this year.
Visit Church and State Wines online at: www.churchandstatewines.com

A complete list of Church and State’s wine awards is available upon request.