The Canadian Agency Network (tCAN) is planning an effort to provide advice to aid small, medium and large businesses and not-for-profit organizations during these uncertain times.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, tCAN members are ready and able to help organizations across Canada by offering free communications aid, counsel and guidance.
“Businesses large and small and across all industries are feeling the economic threat this crisis brings,” said Frank Palmer, chairman of tCAN. “The tCAN family of agencies felt that we could provide some relief by lending our expertise in marketing and advertising to those who are uncertain about how to weather this storm. Whether it is communicating with clients, suppliers or customers — we’re here to help.”
During this unprecedented time, organizations can consult the advice of a vast network of advertising and marketing agencies across Canada. After visiting the tCAN website, users are encouraged to search for a province or industry, which will then populate a list of independent marcom agencies and the contact information to reach them.
“These are extraordinary times which means communication has never been more important. Now is the time for businesses to create strategic plans to ensure business operations and services are sustained in the coming days, weeks and months ahead,” said Dan Dagg, president of Vancouver Island’s H2 Accelerator agency, who also serves as a tCan Director.
“If businesses and not-for-profits are feeling lost or overwhelmed right now,” Dagg adds, “our team of experts are here to help navigate communication with clients, suppliers and the community at large.”
The tCAN network is comprised of veteran marketers from the Canadian advertising landscape who have maintained their businesses through crises such as SARS and the financial crisis of 2007-08, among others. Through these experiences, tCAN members are ready and able to help organizations build resiliency during these precarious times.
Photo of Dan Dagg, H2 Accelerator Network, by Jeffrey Bosdet/Douglas magazine