The Pacific Marine Circle Route meanders from Victoria along the coast to Port Renfrew, north to Lake Cowichan, east to Duncan, then back to the city — a long weekend’s trip. But a popular day trip is the leisurely drive from Victoria to Sooke (about 45 minutes).
Take a break to explore “where the rainforest meets the sea,” stretch your legs with a trek to the geological wonder that is the Sooke Potholes or set out on a scenic shoreline walk along Whiffin Spit — a long, beachy finger extending between Sooke Harbour and Juan de Fuca Strait.
For something faster-paced, you can go ziplining, set out on a fishing charter, or sample the award-winning spirits at Sheringham Distillery. Sooke is also home to local haunts like the Stick in the Mud Coffee House, the 17 Mile House Pub (its namesake is the distance from Victoria’s City Hall) or the café Shirley Delicious.