Since being named a Douglas magazine 10 to Watch winner in 2017, Studio Robazzo has been on a creative surge.
Not only did the multidisciplinary design firm plan and fabricate the parametric “connect pods” for the artisan market in the expanded Mayfair Shopping Centre, they’ve added Vancouver projects as well. The sweeping, larger-than-life space dividers for TED 2018 in Vancouver were designed by Robazzo, and so was the entry installation they made for the Vancouver Film Festival gala.
The past two years have also marked a shift in the types of projects they are being considered for.
“Everything leading up to now has been more temporary [installations],” says co-founder Christina Robev, “but we’re in talks with local architects, landscape architects and developers to do more permanent works, such as public art and architectural feature pieces.”
And after years of “wishful thinking,” Robev’s and co-founder Andrew Azzopardi’s dreams of a dedicated wood shop and fabrication space recently came true when they acquired secondary space in Chinatown, just two blocks from their Douglas Street design studio.
The wood shop is home to their new CNC machine. “These additions have proven to be total game-changers for the studio,” Robev says. “We do our design at [the Douglas Street studio], then it gets built in Chinatown. It completely revolutionized our capabilities and process.”
This article is from the April/May 2019 issue of Douglas.